The conductivity, malleability and resistance to corrosion that gold offers has made it an essential component of a variety of electronic products. Computers, cell phones and home appliances are just a few of the many everyday items we use that contain gold circuitry.
Without gold, the brains of your computer might very well shut down. Fine wire made of gold is what connects circuits to semiconductors. Semiconductors are the “brains” of your computer. With a diameter smaller than a human hair, these wires are highly refined and contain 99.999-percent pure gold.
Other circuitry-based uses of the precious metal include a gold circuit that each key on your keyboard strikes to convey information to the computers microprocessor. Your favorite computer game has a printed circuit board that features gold circuits. These gold wires join the game’s logic units. Unplug any of your computer’s exterior plugs and odds are you will find that the contacts are gold-coated. Gold doesn’t corrode making it perfect for these plugs and insuring a consistent signal.
In addition, gold is used in power chairs for the disabled. These chairs need the corrosion-resistance gold offers because they are exposed to so many different climates and temperatures. Gold is also important in spacecraft, such as the Galileo space probe.
Sell Gold at BrokenGold™! It's easy, just put your gold or old jewlery in the prepaid envelope and send it to us. You will receive a check 24 hours after we receive your gold or jewelry. It is that easy! We have gained an excellent reputation on the web and have an ever-growing list of satisfied customers. If you have questions take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page.
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Gold was first discovered thousands of years ago in its natural state, in streams, which lead to mining all over the world. Its brilliance, natural beauty, great malleability and resistance to tarnish made it enjoyable to work with. Gold gave rise to the concept of money itself. Today gold is used for jewelry fabrication, industrial application, and medical uses, by governments and central banks and by private investors.